base groups

What are Base Groups?

Base Groups are gospel communities on mission together.

Together, we grow in the Gospel, grow in our love for one another, and grow in mission as we serve and take the Gospel to others.

Base Groups are more than a Bible study.

We are a Bible-centered family. We actively encourage one another with the Word, warn one another with the Word, and call one another to obey the Word together.

Base Groups are more than a meeting.

We are a community of believers living life together. While we do gather weekly, we move beyond the boundaries of those meetings to enjoy the rhythms of life together and build each other up into the image of Christ.

Base Groups are more than a fellowship.

We are the church on mission together. We actively reach beyond the boundaries of our own fellowship in order to bring the Gospel to the lost and serve our community as salt and light.

As Base groups gather on Sunday evenings, they fellowship, share food (frequency differs by each group), discuss the sermon from the week, and spend time in prayer.

As Base Groups scatter throughout the week, they seek to continue to encourage one another through rhythms of life together and they seek ways of living on mission together.

What do Base Groups do?

In short, we usually encourage you to go to the group closest to you. While many are accustomed to trying out groups until they find one that “fits”, we believe that linking up with the people nearest to you is a better way.

  • We believe that geographic proximity aids in living together in community and on mission. It’s simply easier to get together with others when you live near to them.

  • We believe that having been united to Christ, all believers have far more in common than anything that we may differ on.

  • We believe that having a variety of life stages in each group benefits all in the group. While we do agree that connecting with others in a similar life stage is beneficial, we believe those connections will happen naturally through involvement in broader church life. Therefore, our Base Group are not organized by affinity, but by geography.

  • We believe that, for the believer, engagement in community should be serving-oriented (asking “Which group gives me the best opportunity to serve others?”) instead of being self-oriented (asking “Which group do I feel most comfortable in?”). Likewise, we find that when we engage community in a serving-oriented way, the Lord uses these groups to both sanctify us and meet our needs.

For those reasons, we would encourage you to connect with the group closest to where you live.

Which Group Should I go to?

CONTACT Us for more informatiON:

Leader: Scott Knuteson

Meeting Time: Sunday Evening

Location: Braselton

Leader: Tyler Recker

Meeting Time: Sunday Evening

Location: Near downtown Braselton

Leader: Kris Harrison

Meeting Time: Sunday Evening

Location: Jefferson

Leader: Matt Baker

Meeting Time: Sunday Evening

Location: near intersection of 124 and 332

Leader: Bob Bancroft

Meeting Time: Sunday Evening

Location: Winder